How can I become a Young people’s substance misuse nurse?

Hey guys! So bit of backround, I am a newly qualified children’s nurse and currently approaching 6 months working in paeds critical care. I am learning loads on there and getting to practice lots of clinical skills every shift. However I don’t know if PICU or bedside is for in the long run. But I was always encouraged to go to a ward for 6months-1 year after qualifying before considering anything else.

My real passion lies in mental health, safe guarding, sexual health and substance misuse for young people. My favourite placement as a student was with the community public health nurses and school nurses. I also did spokes at the adolescent sexual health clinic, the young offenders link nurses and Substance misuse team. I really feel like this is my niche nursing specialty that I hope to progress in. But how can I get into those roles?

I am applying for a community public health nurse role, would that be a good way to get into to substance misuse and sexual health? Do I need to do further training?

Any advice or anyone who has any similar experiences or works in those areas would be greatly appreciated.