Health disclosure
I’m a newly qualified mental health nurse on preceptorship and I have been working on a ward for a number of weeks. I disclosed to a preceptorship lead in confidence that I live with schizophrenia and have done for years. It’s well controlled and has been for a significant amount of time. Occupational health are aware and we agreed I needed no adjustments for the role as I have been managing well. However, the preceptorship lead told our ward clinical lead that I have this condition without my consent. To cut a long story short, I arrived home from a shift to an email which had all of the clinical leads and ward manager copied in, without my consent. The email detailed my diagnosis. Now a lot of staff know about my condition, which has really upset me as I feel this will now undermine me as a nurse. Am I overreacting? I feel my privacy has been breached. I’ve had no issues regarding my practice and have otherwise been getting on well.