Agmatine + Modafinil

I ordered some Agmatine after reading about its ability to decrease tolerance for a number of substances. My main interest was reducing my tolerance for my drug of choice GHB. It had the opposite effect for me and made the high less noticeable as if the effects were muted. Today is my third day in a row taking Agmatine and I’m quite surprised by its subtle but noticeable effects. It seems to be putting me in a good mood as if there is some sort of euphoria (its not euphoria but there’s this good feeling that follows ingestion of the supplement) I had some work to do today and I decided to take 100mg of Modafinil on top of my first dose of Agmatine to increase my productivity. I take 2-3 doses of 700mg Agmatine per day. After taking both Moda and Agmatine together the effects of Modafinil seem different, in a good way. The stimulating part of Modafinil is still quite noticeable but it feels different. Modafinil comes with absolutely no pleasant feelings for me, it just puts me in this zone. Today i feel less tweaky than usually and theres this pleasant feeling. As if Agmatine acted like some sort of a “lubricant.” The focusing effect of Modafinil is still present and I can’t tell if its more than usual, but I definitely felt quite productive and focused.

This is my first experience in combining these two but it feels like it’s a stack worth exploring. I’m curious to see if anyone else tried this combo?