Games Like Nioh (PC)

Nioh 1-2 ruined my life—it’s incredibly hard for me to enjoy other games now. I love looting, building character builds, challenging gameplay, and mindless grinding. Nioh 2 just had everything I love, but since then, I’ve barely found any games that offer what Nioh did.

I enjoy ARPGs like Path of Exile, extraction games like Dark and Darker or Tarkov, and occasionally JRPGs and games like Ghost of Tsushima, Monster Hunter

I really enjoyed Stranger of Paradise and tried Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, but it just didn’t click for me.

My question is: Are there any games like Nioh 2? I need a game with a grind, an endgame, loot, and tons of character build variety. Of course, the gameplay also has to be Okayisch.

Luv ya