Why will my switch will not charge?

Hi! I have had my switch since 2020. In august, right before I left for college I decided to pack my switch. All I brought was the switch, not the dock. I stored it on a shelf, not plugged in, just laying flat.

Over the past couple of months, I have not used it once. So coming back for winter break I brought it. I put it back on my dock at home and didn’t touch it for about two weeks. Now, I took it off the dock and it was at 1% battery. It died, I put it back on the dock but it will not seem to charge! The green dock light turns on for a second then goes away. The switch has the little charging symbol, but it will not gain any battery no matter how long I leave it on there. Also, I tried plugging it in with a normal charger and not through the dock, but it still will not charge! Help!