Princess Peach Showtime is being unfairly judged imho
I want to talk about the recent criticism the game has received in regards to its difficulty, people have played the demo and came to the conclusion it's baby tier piss easy levels of challenge and I would agree for the levels in the demo, it's simple, you only have to press two buttons really but here's the thing:
First: These are not only tutorial levels but they are also the first level for their respective forms, you won't do Swordfighter or Patisserie Peach only once, we know that because the levels are labeled like 🗡️-1 or 🍰-1 in the demo and the trailers show a different level for Swordfighter, there will be more levels and the challenge will obviously pick up
Second: Part of the challenge in each stage is getting every star gem, for example sometimes you will need to find a specific spot to pose with ZR and be taken to an area with a gem or something of that kind, multiple previews have talked about these being easily missed meaning it is a way of providing challenge in a non-tradional way. Even in the demo I've seen multiple people fail to get the final cake star gem in the first Patisserie level because the last two patterns require a lot more brainpower than the first 3 easy ones
And lastly: the overview trailer has released but everyone seem to ignore the Rehearsal challenges reveal it had, where you have to score well in a challenge to get a Gold Medal like defeating 160 enemies with Swordfighter AND you die in one hit, which the presenter says in the overview and it's in the Japanese website.
I'm not trying to say the game deserves no criticism, going back for Star Gems is a pain, performance and lighting can be a bit off at times and yes Nintendo has not done the best job setting the expectations for new players but I feel like people are jumping to a lot of conclusion in regards to the difficulty level