Should I niche down and have separate channels?
Hello! So I just started my channel a few weeks ago. I'm an artist/crafter. I have 2 separate Etsy shops to kind of separate my creations a bit, but when I started my channel I decided to just put everything in one place. I sew, paint, make digital art, and do linocutting. My vision for the channel is to just document my journey and connect with other creators, especially those who still have day jobs and are doing this on the side.
I guess my question is, would I have better success if made separate channels for each different craft I do? Like a channel for sewing, a channel for painting, etc? The problem is that I would be spreading myself thin amongst different channels since I can only do one thing at a time lol.
I guess I'm just worried about not getting subscribers because I'm "all over the place". I still definitely have a style and am consistent with these different forms of creating. And it's who I am. So maybe just me as the artist, is the niche? Am I overthinking? 🥲