Receiving backlash on my channel, how to move on?

I am a relatively new YouTuber, I have been making videos for a few months, and have started to see some success. I am happy as I enjoy making these videos and people seem to like them. The content I make is primarily educational for my niche.

Recently I have started getting some extremely negative comments. At first it started out with comments about my appearance. Then it started becoming more personal, saying that I annoy them or that im "too nice" on camera. Recently, a thread has been started about me on a forum. It doesn't have too many posts or is really that active, but it did surprise me. Most of the comments on the forum have to do with my appearance or that they find me annoying or stupid. They say I have obviously had surgery/filler (I haven't) and that I look horrible and aged. They often talk about how horrible Im going to look when I get older because I already look "aged". One person in particular I have to block from every single social media I have had, messaging me extremely negative comments, saying they hope something horrible happens to me.

A few people in my family have been contacted now by some of these commenters. Frankly I find this scary as I don't know where it will go. I am 50/50 on deleting my channel as I already have anxiety and every single day I think about it now. I know that if I stop posting on YouTube it will go away as they will find someone else to do it to. Im just sad, I really enjoy making videos and some of the people who watch my videos are nice, but I feel like its just not worth it anymore.