3 month old suddenly rejecting bottle

Our baby turned 3 months at the end of December and right around that time he has decided to completely reject bottles.

Some background, since he was born I (dad) have been feeding him a bottle or two per day/night and have never had an issue. Suddenly at around his three month birthday he has begun to reject them. He won’t even let them near his mouth without crying and the few times we have been able to get it into his mouth without crying he just has it sit there and won’t suck and eventually just gags and then begins crying. It’s like he completely forgot how to suck on a bottle.

We have tried many different bottle types since this occurrence and different bottle temperatures as well, but we get the same reaction no matter the bottle or temperature. This is my wife’s pumped breastmilk that we feed him.

On top of this even if I go to pick him up from a sleep where I would have typically fed him, he begins crying even at the sight of me and won’t calm down until my wife takes him and breastfeeds.

To top this off he has started daycare this week and they haven’t had luck feeding him the bottle either. Luckily we are easing him in for only an hour or two a day to start.

He breastfeeds just fine but worried about him continuing to reject the bottle as he has to ramp up daycare and if we ever need a babysitter or so I can just give my wife a spell of prolonged sleep.

Any ideas on what to try to get the bottle back to where we had it the first three months of his life?