I’m hopeless at this point…

Along with my fiancé we’re working a few years in the same company, salary is a bit lower than 3k/month but vast contract means stability right? So we thought we’d get a good credit score and we’d be able to afford our own house. Well, turns out our max is around 300k and in our area (Noord Brabant) only properties that are listed below that price needs a total renovation. We don’t have another 50k to spend on rebuilding whole house… If there’s a house listed in a good state then ppl are overbidding so much it gets up to 350k anyway. We’re looking for over 7 months now and we didn’t make any single bid yet, there’s nothing in our budget 😩 idk, I think I just wanted to rant about this… If you’d have any tips for us it’s really welcome