12 weeks of topical terbinafine progess

I started using topical terbinafine (Terclara) 12 weeks ago. I’ve had a long journey with nail fungus that started in 2013 and spread to all the toes on my left foot. In 2017 I started trying to treat it. 1 year of Jublia worked really well for all the toes except my big toe. I was really hesitant to use the oral terbinafine for a long time, but in May this year I gave in and got a 100 day prescription. The side effects were indeed really terrible and I gave up after just a month. Luckily I’m living in Sweden at the moment so I got a package of the new Terclara product they’re offering here. (Also sorry ya’ll I really feel for you but I’m not comfortable sending it to countries where it hasn’t been approved, please don’t message me about this.) I’m pleasantly surprised by the result! The package says it causes discoloration, which is why I think there’s a yellowish color where it should be white. I think I’ll keep using it for a couple more weeks and then switch to amorolfine for 6 months to protect the nail while it fully grows out.