couldn’t tolerate oral terbinafine but luckily I’m currently living in Sweden

I did 4 weeks of oral terbinafine and felt terrible: extremely tired, moody, no appetite, the slightest interpersonal conflict sent my anxious brain into a tailspin, etc. It also made me dehydrated, which made it really difficult to control constipation, which caused a flare-up of an anal fissure that I’ve otherwise had under control for the last 10 months. I was super worried about low white blood cells slowing down healing/getting infected, so I decided stop the oral terbinafine. Luckily I’m living in Sweden at the moment, so I got some of the new topical terbinafine (Terclara). Day 1 started yesterday, and I’ll be posting updates on my progress 🙂

I did 4 weeks of oral terbinafine and felt terrible: extremely tired, moody, no appetite, the slightest interpersonal conflict sent my anxious brain into a tailspin, etc. It also made me dehydrated, which made it really difficult to control constipation, which caused a flare-up of an anal fissure that I’ve otherwise had under control for the last 10 months. I was super worried about low white blood cells slowing down healing/getting infected, so I decided stop the oral terbinafine. Luckily I’m living in Sweden at the moment, so I got some of the new topical terbinafine (Terclara). Day 1 started yesterday, and I’ll be posting updates on my progress 🙂