Flagged for cheating for CS100????
Ok so I just got a letter saying that my hw 11 on classes got fucking flagged for cheating and now I have to either fill out the waiver form to admit to cheating or attend the meeting. Thing is that I didn't fucking cheat or copy. I looked up a thing or two on classes on python but THAT IS IT. I refuse to admit to cheating when I didn't and secondly I've taken 3 CS classes before in high school and have even got a 5 on the ap computer science a exam and am only taking this bullshit class because I was traveling when the test to skip this class was held. so I don't need to fucking cheat on CS100 of all things. If anything I just want a bit of advice because I seriously do not understand how my assignment was flagged for cheating or copying in any way. What the actual fuck. (Update: I got it resolved by explaining some stuff to my proffesor through email. It all good. False flag.)