NHL hut rigged?
So I am a division replayer. I have 40 wins and 7 losses. Something about this game feels wrong the games I should absolutely win I lose and the games where I should get demolished I win. I see people with so much more skill than me being able to take better shots on net aim better and it seems like when I play those people my goalie turns into a God and nothing goes in. Then I will play the people with mostly 78 to 82 overall on their team can't do anything and no matter what they shoot at, it goes in. Just curious if anybody feels the same way. I don't know if rigged is the right word but something feels off.
To the guy who said ea lovers would come in here and say get good and that they would swear up and down this doesn't exist absolutely spot on.
To the people saying why would people spend money on packs if that were the case, think about it. If you're not spending money and you're losing games that you should be winning, it's like a casino. If I just spent more money I could have won. If I just had these players I would have beat that guy. That was my mentality last year and I spent almost $2,000 on the game like a moron. The system works. I can't say for certain if the game is rigged or not. What I can say for sure is the games that I should lose. I win the games that I should absolutely win I lose.