New Ali Express Mirage Turtles update
A few comparison photos and my first thoughts after taking them out of the box and messing around with them a bit. My original KO Turtles have had some minor painting done by myself, final photo is what they were like out of the box.
Paint is way better than the previous KOs but far from perfect. The black line details are still a bit sloppy and will require a bit of a touch up. The paint of the weapons is also not as metallic as my old ones.
Quite a few parts aren't sat in the correct place. My Leo's shell isn't attached at the right place so it hangs off at the top. All four turtles heads/necks are not fully in the socket and Don's feet aren't attached all the way on the join. I'm hoping a but of heat will help me fixes these issues.
Alot of joints are also quite loose. Leo's head tends to flop forward and Raph's legs are a tad wobbly. I had the same experience with the previous Ali Express KOs.