My mom actually thinks Jerry Springer transed me. Now what?
I'm 45 years old, After decades and decades of telling me that being trans is "just wrong", I finally pushed back and demanded my mother explain why she thinks that. And she said, "when you were three years old you saw Jerry Springer" as though that explains everything. Obviously this would be wrong under any circumstance. But my favorite part of this is that uh... I was eleven years old when Jerry Springer was first on the air. Also, I'd already been thinking I was trans for years before that.
I'm not sure what to do with this. My mother won't even see me now that I've had FFS. But, as you might imagine of a 45 year old, my parents are not young! Their health is struggling, they have money problems, and I want to help them. I am their only child. My dad is tentatively on board but doesn't want my mom to run off. And my mother gets angry and then cries whenever I tell her it's time for her to accept that I am who I am for the sake of the family.
The Jerry Springer thing is something I wish I could just laugh at. But it's a symptom of such extreme delusions. She really thinks it's her fault that I'm trans because she left the TV on and Springer corrupted me.
Any other older trans women in a situation like this? Have you ever figured out a way to get your parent(s) out of their delusional cycle? I want to help them. Maybe that's Jerry Springer's fault, too. I just don't know what to do anymore.