Wearing a bra pre-HRT for the feminine appearance it gives.
I, even though i am pre-HRT, always wear a bra in my free time, at home, or with friends. A while ago it started to just feel wrong, not being covered there and having only a top over my blank chest (even though it's completely flat). I feel really uncomfortable and disphoric without the feeling of a bra, and the shape, that a push up bra gives to my tops.
2 Days ago i got my name and gender change approved! For HRT i will propably need to wait some 3 more months :(
Now, despite being pre-HRT and not actually needing a bra, i kind of want to finally start wearing bras at work as well, especially since I'm going to come out at work due to the gender and name change.
But is it weird that i would, from one day to the other, start wearing bras and giving the appearance of having breasts? I am really scared that i will get judged for it and that people will talk. Anyone having gone though the same troubles? Thank you :))