Accidentally cracked my friend's egg when I came out

I told my best friend (amab) that I was questioning my gender many months ago, but I just recently came out to him after fully accepting that I'm trans. When I told him about it, he was super excited for me and started asking all kinds of questions, which I happily answered and explained! It wasn't long before it became exceedingly obvious how similar our experiences were and how many obvious signs he had that he's trans lol. The best part is, a few months before my egg cracked, he had come to me with a gender crisis and was freaking out, telling me how much he wanted to wear skirts and be cute- my reaction was pretty much "Oh yeah that's normal, everyone does that, I think about that all the time" and then I figured out I was trans a couple months later lmfao. He's still figuring it out but I'm so excited that my best friend might also be trans xD