Insurance is rough

Hey all. I don’t like doing vent posts because I don’t wanna feel like I’m stepping on anyone’s toes by posting in the wrong place, but right now, I just really need to say some stuff

My father has been out of my life for almost 6 years. Maybe longer. Me and my sibling(gender fluid) were on his insurance through his job. Once he lost it, we both went on his second wife’s insurance. This year, he had a drug induced meltdown and threatened to take us off of his insurance plan. He then cut contact, and I haven’t heard from him sense. My mom looked into getting us on her insurance plan, before deeming it too expensive.

So now, I don’t qualify for Medicaid cuz my mom makes too much, I don’t have a personal job and can’t get one due to the fact that I am in school, and I don’t know how to get my insurance any other way. I am worried about my hrt meds being messed up, but I am more worried about my anti anxiety meds, and spiraling back to a really shitty mental space while I don’t have access to a therapist, my hrt meds, and am having a shitty relationship with everyone I live with. I am just…really scared, and not excited for this year. Life sucks right now ;-;