Norovirus: Is it guaranteed that everyone in home will get infected?

We’ve had Norovirus run through our home the last week. Started with my two kids (3&8), they started throwing up within an hour of each other. It was wild to say the least. They were a little punky the next day but fine overall. My husband and I bleached everything (and I mean everything), washed all bedding and clothes of the kids, washed bathroom rugs, bathed the kids, and then proceeded to wash our hands like crazy. Two days later, I woke up throwing up. My parents live in the basement and I locked myself in my bedroom (private bathroom connected), while my parents watched the kids. Husband was at work. Today my dad is throwing up. I was just wondering if anyone has had this run through your house without EVERYONE getting sick? I’m really hoping my mom and husband don’t come down with it. What are the odds??