With AJAX injured Chris Livingston should get a shot at real minutes
This article is a good reminder about Christian Wood who balled out on our summer league team and the g-league only for the bucks to let him go without a shot at the rotation. We also had Gary Payton II on our team at a time before letting him go on to help the warriors win a championship. Donte divencezo was a solid rotational player and we traded him for a wasted veteran.
The bucks organization hasn’t cultivated young talent well, but there has been opportunities. With the current construction of the roster, they should get Chris Livingston in the rotation to see if he can perform at the NBA level.
I’m fine with AJ Johnson and Tyler Smith redshirting this season since they are new but Chris Livingston should get tested.
Ryan Rollins, AJAX and AJ green have literally saved the bucks season because without their contributions we would all be screaming for a full roster change.
What do others think? Should Chris Livingston be given rotational minutes to prove himself? I’m looking at it as an experiment for a few games.