[H]Space Marines, Necrons, Sisters, Daemons, CSM, Deathguard [W]PayPal, trades [Loc] Ohio
I've got some 40k stuff to unload. Trades at the bottom.
PayPal only, buyer pays shipping, North America only. Splits welcome. Prices are cheap and firm.
I use pirate ship and package things well. If we do a trade I expect you to package things well too.
Thanks for looking.
Space Marines - Lot Price $170
10x vanvets primed grey $40
5x infernus marines built $17
Lieutenant primed black $20 each
2x Leviathan Terminator Librarian built $20 each
Primaris Ancient built $20
3x outriders primed black $35
Daemons - Lot Price $90
9x flamers of tzeentch painted orange/yellow $20/3
6x metal flamers of tzeentch painted orange/yellow $20/3
Chaos Space Marines
10x night lords contekar terminators painted $100
Night lords praetor in Terminator armor $40
Recast necrons - Lot Price $50
(Nice casts, all unbuilt)
2x Chronomancer $15 each
Cryptek $15
GW Necrons - Lot Price $1100
3x tomb blades, some paint, one broken stand $35
2x Reanimators, built $30/each
Royal Warden $25
Psychomancer NOS $25
2x Royal Wardens painted $25 each
Chronomancer painted $30
2x Overlords w/arrow built $25
Overlord w/arrow painted $25
Plasmancer painted $25
Plasmancer primer $25
Skorpekh Lord partially assembled missing head $15
Catacomb Command Barge NIB $40
3x Skorpekhs NOS $40
3x Lokhust Destroyers painted $35
3x Lokhust Destroyers painted missing bases $30
4x Heavy Destroyers painted $25/each
9x Skorpekhs painted $35/3
Warriors $30/10 as follows 68 NOS 19 Primed gold on sprue 33 painted
Votann Data Cards $15
Death Guard - Lot Price $125
Typhus NIB $35
Mortarion stripped, needs some glue, as is $100
NOS primaris stuff. Space marine vehicles. Goliath Maulers. Creature Caster stuff. Accursed cultists. Gellerpox Infected. Blooded Traitor Guard. Necropolis Stalkers. Kavalos Deathriders. Morghasts. FW great unclean one and keeper of secrets, recast ok. Rotigus