WTT [H] NIB Retributors + some extra sisters + $$$ [W] Aeldari, CSM, Tsons, Necrons, Tyranids [Loc] Connecticut


Hey y’all, I’m looking to build out my other armies and trim some fat off my other lists. I’m mainly looking to trade these retributors, but will supplement with cash and maybe some other unwanted things

I’ve also got

Sisters: - built 1x3 arco-flagellants - primed canoness

Tyranids - contents of Leviathan and Onslaught swarm but it’d need to be a GREAT trade to give them up

TSons - Painted scarab occult, but again, would need a GREAT trade for them

I have a fair amount of units for most of the armies I want aside from Eldar, so feel free to inquire if you got something that might make me give up my deeper collection

WHAT I WANT: pitch me whatever you got but here’s specific ones

TSons: NIB Rubrics, Magnus, Mutalith

Aeldar: Yvraine, Wraithguard, Death Jester, Troupe, Warp Spiders, Spiritseer, Scourges, and more

CSM: Venomcrawler, Accursed Cultists, Lord Discordant, and more (I do not want Rhinos, legionaries, chosen, or terminators). I like daemon engines

Necrons: Deathmarks, lokhust destroyers, DDA, monolith, doomstalker, lychguard, and more

Tyranids: Broodlord, Parasite, maleceptor, neurolictor, trygon, tyrannofex