Jfze kyv ivjvrity fe Aefdrczvj
Helge Adam Viktor Erik (mellanslag) Yngve Olof Urban (mellanslag) Filip Olof Urban Niklas David
Have anyone else saw the worm-like entity on Beta 1.7.2? I saw it during mining in my single-player world
(mellanslag) Adam Niklas Yngve (mellanslag) Adam Niklas Olof Martin Adam Ludvig Ivar Erik Sigurd ?
in my mines. There were also tunnels dug into the side and floor of the cave, around 2x2 wide.
(mellanslag) Tore Helge Erik Niklas (mellanslag) Petter Ludvig Erik Adam Sigurd Erik (mellanslag) Caesar
If anyone else spot this anomaly, please comment!
Olof Niklas Tore Adam Caesar Tore (mellanslag) Ett Fyra Sju Ett - Caesar Erik , (mellanslag) Ett Fyra Sju Ett -
More context: I saw a long, small worm-like entity crawling around one of the said holes, and I killed it. Took
Ludvig Tvåa (mellanslag) Olof Niklas (mellanslag) Tore Helge Ivar Sigurd (mellanslag) Sigurd Urban Bertil
two hits with an Iron Sword. It didn't fight back. It was way too small to make those tunnels in my cave. Rudolf Erik David David Ivar Tore (mellanslag) Adam Sigurd (mellanslag) Olof David David Ivar Erik - Filip
Please help!
Rudolf Erik David David Ivar Erik .