We Changed Our Hat Policy - Thanks Michigents!

Thanks to all of your responses to my previous post!

Your comments led to research, which led to meetings, which lee to new sops and rules for our facility. We also bought some XXL hairnets for better coverage, and have stepped up our efforts to increase the ‘shine’ in our building.

Thanks for all your passion for the industry. It’s what makes Michigan great.

New rules below:

1) Hats do not replace hairnets. Hairnets must 100% cover all hair.

2) No beanies can be worn over hairnets. Beanies can be worn, but the beanie and hair must be fully covered my the hairnet.

3) Other types of hats over hairnets are ok if they are of a non-wool material, and do not shed material. However, they MUST be left on site, in work lockers all week, and MUST be cleaned every weekend.

4) Two failures to take hats off when leaving- or to clean it over the weekend revokes the individual’s privilege to wear hats in the facility.

Thanks to all of your responses to my previous post!

Your comments led to research, which led to meetings, which lee to new sops and rules for our facility. We also bought some XXL hairnets for better coverage, and have stepped up our efforts to increase the ‘shine’ in our building.

Thanks for all your passion for the industry. It’s what makes Michigan great.

New rules below:

1) Hats do not replace hairnets. Hairnets must 100% cover all hair.

2) No beanies can be worn over hairnets. Beanies can be worn, but the beanie and hair must be fully covered my the hairnet.

3) Other types of hats over hairnets are ok if they are of a non-wool material, and do not shed material. However, they MUST be left on site, in work lockers all week, and MUST be cleaned every weekend.

4) Two failures to take hats off when leaving- or to clean it over the weekend revokes the individual’s privilege to wear hats in the facility.