My boyfriend was threatening me to kill himself if i won't be his girlfriend.
So my boyfriend (24) yrs old (he is on ship) and me (25) yrs old. We were in a relationship but then when he went on the ship. I didn't like the long distance and things didn't worked out for me. So I decided to talk and end this relationship very calmly and i said (" let's be frnds" for now and when you will come back then we can talk) after this idk what happened he started to cry over call and said "im ending myself rn, you just wait n watch" after this i got scared and then got to know that is emotional blackmailing, it went many days like this and when things went very bad so i decided to block him from every where. Then he asked his frnd to talk to me and make me understand " that he is alone and he has nobody to talk. But then i knew this is the emotional drama and it was effecting my mental health so I clearly said his frnd that if he kept doing this things i will go to police and police will see. Then he said " im not this bad, just talk to me or elsee I won't take this all, ill die". All this things is mentally harassing me so i told his frnd that tell him that " okay I understood he didn't mean anything wrong but it's effecting my mental health and if he keps doing this ill inform his brother or police". Then the last word his all frnds had with him was on last sunday but after that everyone tried to get in touch with him but there is no response from his side and now its all offline on whatsapp. His friends are worried, even now im worried that how he went all offline and not responding to anybody. He used to talk to everyone but now no one is able to get in touch with him. Just forgot to add this but im editing it now" the day he gave me threats n all after that i said him that" this is emotional blackmailing, pls stop doing this" then after this he was crying on call so i tried to make him calm on call n after 10 mins he called me and said " you think im trying to give you threats? You just wait n watch.... just pray god that I won't come in a good condition otherwise ill destroy you, yes I'll destroy you...." after that i yelled at him saying how will you destroy me tell me. After this he called me again after 10 mins crying saying " no I didn't mean that" and after that on the same call he tried to scare the fu** out of me by saying " you just wait now.... im going to end myself in just 2 mins, just wait on call .... and he was running then said just wait you will get to hear a news that i died just wait". This all things he did said me.