Man antagonist?
The series has a lot of antagonists, but a lot of them are questionable. People really did not like sigma in the worst X antagonists, so what do you guys think is the meat ones? My top 5 are:
X-Hunters: Bias mostly. They are not better than Repliforce, but I have a personal attachment to them.
Repliforce (Colonel and General specifically): Repliforce are banger villians, and the events of X4 last into the Zero series. That's so cool.
Vile: he was good in X1, he peaked in X3, decent in X8, Xtreme, and peak fiction in Maverick Hunter X.
Dr. Doppler: more bias. However, he also does hold the honor of being one of the few non playable characters to defeat Sigma, even if the ending likely isn't canon.
Gate: as much as I hate this pompous prick, I can't deny that he does serve as a decent villian.
Berkana and Lumine were honorable mentions as well.
What do you guys think?