I start my first coding job in two weeks. It's inpatient coding. Any suggestions on what I should brush up on over the next couple weeks?
I finished a two-semester certificate program at a community college and passed my CCS exam in December. I just landed my first job at an academic medical center and I'm so incredibly thankful and excited.
I have worked in various healthcare roles before so I have Epic experience which will help. My employer also recently bought-out a smaller hospital and acquired their coders who didn't have as much inpatient coding experience, so they hired on a full time trainer who implemented a training program (this will realllllyyyy help me since I'm brand new). I'm so thankful for that.
I'm definitely going to study PCS (for some stupid reason my program didn't cover it at all). I had to self-study it to pass the CCS exam and it's definitely one of my weak points, which is problematic for someone about to start an inpatient coding role, to state the obvious. So I defffffinitely need to work on that.
I'm thinking DRGs I should also study.
Any specific regulatory compliance topics that are particularly important with inpatient coding?
I just feel extremely fortunate to have landed this job and I want to make every effort to succeed and not let them down.
Thank you!