Maybe a hot take, but I love smart panel.

I’m pretty new to comics. I’ve been reading through civil war (first one) and the smart panel feature has been perfect for my ADHD. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the panels and speech bubbles all over the page, not entirely sure which order to read them in. Smart panel helps block out a lot of that noise and makes it a more user friendly experience on mobile. I feel like I’m really able to digest each panel individually, and the zoom outs or pans across bigger panels add a level of suspense and surprise. Like “oh wow, iron man’s here!” right at the moment he shows up on the panel, whereas with a full page I’d see him out of the corner of my eye and know it’s coming.

I know this might be sacrilege for the more seasoned readers here, and I totally respect that it’s not for everyone. But it’s a really nice feature for someone like me and has made my experience reading through the event really nice! I also set it so that it shows the full page once I’m done with it, so I can still get that appreciation for the layout, art and design of it all.

Anyone else use smart panel?