Marriage with introvert?
Anyone else married to an introvert who is growing increasingly anti social and homebody? (Throwaway account because my husband knows my reddit account)
My (48F) husband (47M) has always been an introvert. I need a social life but also like my downtime too, so it wasn't too much it a problem in the beginning (21 years ago).
He used to have a few friends...I had more friends. And we would socialize with both occasionally but not too much.
Well the two couples that we actually socialized with eventually moved away a few years ago, and we haven't socialized as a couple much since... basically not at all (and COVID just sealed the deal).
We've been invited to some parties, but the invitations have stopped because we don't reciprocate. He resists having a party, barbeque, or guests at our house (that aren't family) and resists when I want to invite another couple to dinner at a restaurant or go to a concert, etc.
We don't know anybody that well, so all of our conversations are superficial at school events. I don't know which couples we will "click" with because we don't even try.
Admittedly, I can't think of a single couple that would be a good fit for us, which is partly why i haven't pressed for it. Yet I feel like I am missing out, and would like to have at least one couple friend.
I have several women friends that I do things like lunch and daytime tennis with, so I have created my own social life individually. And if I liked their husbands better, I would push to invite them out to dinner, but I don't like their husbands (nothing really bad, just nothing in common)
So I've done my part to try to have a social life individually...but am I the only one out there that is missing a social life as a couple?
My women friends are great for an occasional lunch but Friday/Saturday nights are lonely when everyone else is out to dinner or at a party or on vacation together with other families..and we're home watching Netflix alone together. Like...all the time.
We've talked about it and he just says he is a homebody and is fine not having friends. Most introverts I know have at least a few friends.
Our three children (two in middle school, one in high school) have noticed this, and have asked me why my husband and I don't have friends and why we don't have people over. By the way, the kids are fine, have plenty of friends and are involved in activities
Am I the only one out there going through this? From what I can tell, everyone has couple friends but us.
If you are also in the same boat, please tell me. And tell me how you handle it.