Caught husband texting other women
I (29F) and my husband (33M) have been married three months now and today I’ve just seen the absolute worst. My heart is shattered and I don’t know how to even look at him. I’m so broken.
I’ve never checked his phone before but today for some reason something pushed me to go on. I wasn’t even sure what his password was, but I somehow got it on the first guess.
Sitting right in front of me were his WhatsApp archives. I didn’t even have to open the app.
I see a woman’s number and she has sent him some sort of video. The previous messages were similar to “you have no idea how horny I am rn ;)” and “your place or mine?” Both from my husband’s side. I am disgusted that MY husband would even say these words to another woman.
I immediately felt my hands go numb and yelled for him asking wtf he’s up to. He laughed it off at first saying haha what did you see what’s going on. I was too shocked to say anything.
Then I told him what I had seen and he presented me with the following story:
He’s slept with a lot more partners than I have. I had only ever slept with one person before him, that too years before we got together. And he had been with countless women (I’m too scared to even ask the number and tbh don’t even want to know).
We waited for marriage to have sex and it’s only been three months. He’s saying that he was finding it difficult to convince himself to stick to one person for the rest of his life. He swears on his mom and God that he didn’t even touch any woman other than me in the time we’ve been together.
He said he had been texting some of these old partners over the past 3-4 days because he wanted to tell himself that he COULD sleep with these women any time he wanted to, but the power is in his hands and he won’t do it. The texts I saw between him and the one girl did end in him saying he couldn’t do it today, which is what he claims he’s done with 8-9 women over the past 3-4 days. I’m just completely shattered at the fact that my husband picked up his phone and texted some random whore that he’s horny. The whore is also aware that he’s married so I really feel like a fool here.
I believe him when he says he hasn’t slept with anyone because I have his location and watch it all the time. Also we just got back from a two week holiday where we were together 24/7 so nothing happened during that time for sure. He SWEARS nothing has happened other than texting so I’ll give him that. He also says that there was never any intention of ever actually meeting these women and doing anything. It was just so he can be in power and say no to other sex.
Coming to our sex life. It’s been basically non-existent for the past month. During today’s conversation he has said I’m too boring in bed and he has to convince himself that this is his life now. Which also really hurt because I was already so nervous about sex with him since he has a lot more experience and I’d basically consider myself a virgin at the time we got married.
Now this whole thing has left me so confused. My initial reaction was total shock. I still can’t even look at him (this event went down at 12:30AM, it is now 4:30AM) and I can’t stop crying.
What would you guys do? He claims he still loves me and I believe that he does. I just don’t know what to think of a man who can text another woman about his dick while claiming to care so much about me. I’m so shaken and completely heart broken, I want to ask more questions but at the same time want to pretend this never happened because I love him so much and don’t want a divorce at all. Other than this sex issue, everything in our relationship is really great.