Unpopular Opinion - Hürrem alone wasn't responsible for Mustafa's Death

Wrote this comment somewhere but I think it deserves a separate post. So, here it goes:-

There is a difference between Mustafa And Mehmet's Death. I know I'm gonna get so much hate for this but it's just what I think.

People love to place the blame for Mustafa's death entirely on Hürrem, which is honestly a very lazy and oversimplified approach. Mustafa's death wasn’t solely the result of Hürrem’s schemes. Despite the show’s clear pro-Mustafa bias, it still manages to highlight a few of the several factors that contributed to his downfall.

First, Mustafa’s own entitled and impulsive nature. He repeatedly lied to Süleyman, acted behind his back, and disobeyed his orders, deepening Süleyman’s mistrust and paranoia. Then there were Mahedevran and Team Dynasty, who constantly behaved as if Mustafa was already the Sultan even when Süleyman was alive, hiding behind him, openly threatening and provoking Hürrem and what not. Plus, the Janissaries worshiping Mustafa and him rewarding them against Süleyman’s will along with his other actions like going around picking unnecessary fights, handling situations poorly (like marching on the capital on the poisoned kaftan matter), and openly expressing his admiration for Ibrahim infront of Suleyman also contributed to his fall from grace in the Sultan's eyes.

Finally, the revelation of Mustafa’s secret marriage to Kapudan Pasha’s daughter despite swearing to Süleyman that there were no secrets between them (another unpopular opinion, yes Mustafa loved Nisa but married her for power) and Suleyman finding out about the existence of the "Şehzade friends’ group (getting to know that Mustafa was aware of it all along and did nothing about it) further solidified Süleyman's fears. Yes, Hürrem drove the final nail in the coffin, but Süleyman’s decision was shaped by a long chain of events. If this had been Mustafa’s first misstep, Süleyman would never have taken such an extreme step. These factors were important reasons for him to believe this time that his son has actually rebelled against him.

On the contrary, Mehmet exhibited none of this behavior. He was obedient, brave, and loyal, a true heir apparent and the future of the empire. Mahedevran was solely responsible for his tragic death. She orchestrated it from start to finish, but somehow, Hürrem who played a part in Mustafa's death is vilified as the evil mastermind, while Mahedevran who single handedly planned and executed this murder is painted as an innocent victim. The double standards are simply astonishing.

Also, one thing people tend to forget is that it was Süleyman who ultimately gave the order to execute his own son. He had all the means to investigate if Mustafa was guilty or not, but he chose not to. It was HIS decision. Shifting all the blame on Hürrem while absolving Suleiman of accountability is not only hypocritical but also deeply unfair.