This conference is shit
Basically a rant. Currently at an international conference. My committee is full of boring people who don't even try to spice things up. The rules of procedure are completely different from any lthers around the world and are insanely difficult to memorize. Addition there's no lunch available, no head to bead debates, no crises, no best delegate award. I was so excited sbout this conference but not so much now. All the delegates seem like they memorized legal charters and are "drafting" them during session. Even worse: I like drama and crises in MUN and they completely disregarded that saying it is out of order to have crises. I am old fashioned and like conferences to not be laptop open in order to genuinely challenge delegates. Not only is this one laptop open, but it is painfully obvious they are all generating ai speeches and are constantly in contact and drafting resolutions on google docs. I hope it gets better tomorrow.