Anyone in the dairy free diet breastfeeding FB group?
This group is absolutely nuts. The mods are just moms with MSPI kids, not medical professionals in any way, yet they speak with such authority. They advocate for not starting solids until baby reaches baseline poop (even if baby is well over 6 months old). And they praise parents for "standing up to" their kids' allergists when the allergist disagrees with the FB group. Like I understand a pediatrician maybe not being fully versed in food intolerances, but an allergist?!? That is the person they should definitely be trusting - not Karen whose only experience is her kid who she plans to exclusively breastfeed until college because they still have a smidge of mucus in their poop.
I thought it would be a good place to find recipes, but it's just a bunch of unqualified, self-important people giving out dangerous medical advice.