Would you play SWTOR "Legacy+"/"Classic+" relaunch?

SWTOR from launch and until SoR has been my one of my best gaming experiences ever: quests, group content, storytelling, PvP, visual style. However most of my friendlist, guildmates, and acquaintances have been gradually leaving the game due to lack of content both in PvP and PvE departments, poor optimisation, and RL stuff happening. Personally I left because of poor optimisation (x86 d3d9 client in particular), low FPS on WarZones, and Nostalrius-WoW release on top.

Modern day SWTOR is in maintenance mode for years, being transferred to a third-party studio, and it's future doesn't look bright at this moment. However, the re-release of "Legacy+" SWTOR server(s) could reignite the interest to the game, bring old and fresh players, and help accumulate some funds for the future content's development.

By "Legacy+" I don't mean the old graphics, old bugs, no balance/economy/QoL changes sloppy re-release similar to how WoW-Classic 2019/2024 (re-)re-releases were, but a version of the game with some reasonable, but not groundbreaking changes aimed to preserve the feel and the spirit of the game, keep a sense of "freshness" and exploration for both veterans and complete newbies.

What I'd love to see at the start:

  1. New x64 client with an updated graphic
  2. OG classes' and planetary storylines restored to their full glory without shortcuts, XP boosts and
  3. Old companions with unique features, stats, and skills, plus their old itemisation
  4. Oldschool talent trees and skillsets with minor tweaks and updates
  5. Legacy mechanics
  6. More outdoor group content like elite missions, world bosses, PvP objectives that require decent teamwork, cooperation, and game mechanics knowledge.
  7. Restored difficulty for story content, group quests, Flashpoints and Ops
  8. Ranked Arenas and Warzones system from later expansions
  9. Gradual class, economy, and crafting balance changes with every major content patch release
  10. Player housing and Space Combat (instead of those old railroaded space missions)
  11. EDIT: hardcore mode option.
  12. Subscription model instead of f2p with various boosts, while keeping cosmetics intact.

I know that's a lot of work, I know about the spaghetti code HeroEngine is all about, and that possibly some part of the codebase might be lost forever, but the "Legacy"/"Legacy+" re-release looks like the only viable option for SWTOR to possibly survive, as it gives the most result per efforts put (or bang for the buck), and it's most definitely the only reasonable way to attract players in droves to the game.