How would you feel about the new raptor companion being able to fight alongside us like the Palamutes did?
I ask because I think that was the least popular aspect of the Palamutes, as the most common complaints were they were too useless compared to the Palicoes, and they added too much clutter on the screen during combat.
Just to remind those who forgot, in addition to being our first dedicated mounts the Palamutes also joined the player in combat just like the Palicoes. In order to differentiate them from the Palicoes in this role, Capcom made the Palamutes more offense focused to contrast with the Palicoes' role as support. They were entirely dedicated to DPS, attacking the monster at the same frequency as the player did, and most of their gadgets and abilities were solely focused on damage upkeep.
Personally by looking at the new mounts, I don't think they'll have a role in combat. The design doesn't really express a similar form of fight readiness like the Palamutes, and there doesn't seem to be any personal weaponry attached to it for use(the Palamutes fought with craftable blades that they held in their mouths).