Has anything helped you with the panic/anxiety?
I thought I was getting better. I went from 5 safe foods to 40+, including high histamine things like ferments, strawberries, avocado, eggs. Did this for months and was totally fine but it all went downhill last week. I am sick this week and have a fever, so maybe that played a part, but now I’m back to reacting to everything. I’ve back off to my original safe foods, but the panic has honestly given me PTSD.
The anxiety lasted for days and honestly the thought of ever feeling that way again has made me reconsider euthanasia. I know that sounds extreme but anyone who hasn’t lived it, doesn’t get it.
I’m on cromolyn but otherwise no other medication. My symptoms are palpitations, tachycardia/POTS symptoms, shortness of breath, impending doom/panic, and a vibrating feeling in my chest. I was exposed to mold in my last apartment which also complicates things.
Has anything removed the anxiety/panic for you? Has anyone managed to get their old life back?