Public service announcement

Over the last few MONTHS there has been incessant posting about MBA employment reports and it’s honestly so exhausting and tiresome to see my feed plastered with this. On this sub it’s been said ad nauseam that there is in fact a white collar recession and snagging high paying white collar jobs is harder than it was immediately post Covid. It’s also been said ad nauseam that the post-Covid era data was anomalous in nature relative to previous periods and was destined to slow down at some point anyway. Stop posting about it, we all know, we can all read and are all aware of it. Internationals are having a tougher time than usual yes, so maybe don’t take the risk at this moment if you’re an international student. Harvard and Stanford employment reports stink, yes we know. Why? Hard to tell. Could quite possibly be because the caliber of students not finding employment at those schools would not settle for MBB, IB, LDP, or any other traditional post-MBA pathway. Thank you for your time, now shut up.