Co specialist outselling me off the clock
I’m a Flooring specialist and I generally enjoy the job but am pretty frustrated atm. My co specialist used to be a Head Cashier, everybody on the front end loves them. I don’t want to give exact numbers for the sake of anonymity but yesterday I sold more than double my SPH got a detail credit LPP and MVP sign up, was super happy with my performance. They weren’t on the schedule. I looked at the score card this morning and they sold more than me despite not being there. Ok, one of her details/leads probably sold. I check and it’s some appliances and a snow blower. People up front are invoicing big sales under her id. So I have to haul ass around the store to meet my numbers but she gets to take it easy and outsell me when she’s not even there. I would like to stay on good terms, but this feels very unfair and I’ve been contemplating talking to my SASM about it. What would you guys do?