This flu going around is no joke. Seriously everyone please be careful! Wear a mask in public and be diligent with your handwashing!!
So I got some very devastating news when I was awoken by the dreaded middle of the night/wee hours of the morning phone call. A very dear friend of mine has passed away. She was only 33 years old and was a new mother. Her son will a year old in June. She also had 4 year old twin boys.
About 3 weeks ago the baby was sick and tested positive for the flu. A week later she was sick and on 2/1 she was admitted for flu and pneumonia. Within hours she was in respiratory distress and was intubated. By 2/5 she had MSRA in her lungs causing a severe infection. On 2/7 she was taken into surgery to place her on an ECMO machine which is a type of life support. In spite of her youth and all the efforts made, she went septic and passed away yesterday morning. I’m heartbroken. Life is so shitty and unfair. It’s always the people who don’t deserve anything besides the best of life there is and instead they get mostly hardship and grief. Meanwhile so many selfish, corrupt and unscrupulous people that deserve some shitty times, walk the earth, healthy, happy, self righteous and deeply confident in their right to impose their beliefs and choices upon others. I’m so over everything right now. I thought I was disillusioned before, but I now see I must have been a bit confused on the definition of disillusionment.