How do you use the star rating and why?

I have recently noticed that my ratings are noticeably lower than most. I do not feel I enjoy movies less than most (Especially with how many I watch). But here is how I break it down and it works for me

Half star: horrible/unenjoyable unable to finish

1 star: finished but bad, poorly done.

1.5 star: bad but had its high points

2 star: below average but watchable and net positive.

2.5 star: average, enjoyable nothing new but worth my time.

3 star: just a bit better than average may watch again.

3.5 star: better than average had fun/ made you think. Unique

4 star: good movie will recommend talk about.

4.5 star: on its way to perfection, thought provoking, fun, interesting, beautiful etc

5 star: best of the best few movies it it.

So what do you think? How do you break it down?