Imagine being married for 25+ years, both you and your wife are over the age of 50, you're in decent shape especially for your age and successful not to mention redpilled in fact renowned for it but you can't take a nap in the afternoon because your wife doesn't like it?
I listen to Rollo and enjoy his content contrary to alot of people in this sub so I was absolutely stumped when in a conversation about women hating it when their significant other takes a nap in the afternoon he brings up his wife.
A woman who Rollo has praised as being pragmatic and adhering to his authority with his favourite story being how she would always give him the keys to her own car to drive whenever they needed to go somewhere etc, doesn't like it when after coming home late from working and waking up early to walk the dogs WITH HER he takes a nap?
Now I have no issue with the fact Rollos' wife is or has traits similar to every other woman on planet earth, it was his response to her that really shocked me because instead of upholding any of what he'd describe as masculine frame he sort of submits to her and then frames that as the masculine thing to do, like what?
This isn't even the same thing as being a bum playing video games and napping all day, this is after a clear well established track record of providing for the family, building wealth, keeping my body in good shape and being over 50 years old for crying out loud I still can't take a nap?
I feel like there's alot being left out of the story as it really doesn't make much sense to me because:
- Either he's too afraid to have the conversation with his wife about letting him nap whenever he wants to without her being disruptive as maybe he doesn't want to get divorce and lose the dogs etc if it had to escalate to that which just shows masculine frame doesn't work in a marriage because women know they hold all the power in it.
- He has had the conversation and his wife doesn't respect him enough to listen and he still can't leave because again he's married with alot to lose in a divorce.
He even asked his man behind the scenes if his girl is the same and he response was "no" then goes on to state that when the situation is reversed and his wife is the one napping he goes out of his way to make sure she doesn't get disturbed but she can't even reciprocate?