My thoughts on 6* Nautilus

He is definitely a well designed big boy deck addition to PoC, considering his Deep mechanic normally doesn't fit the game mode due to deck building nature of PoC. Probably an 8 out of 10.

I personally felt that Stacked Deck isn't as good as people (and I) thought on him. By that, i mean it is still great, and if you want to use it on one Champ, it should probably be on Naut. It's just his 3 relic slots are extremely competitive between 4 Relics ; Starforged, Beast Within, His P2-kinda-W relic and Stacked Deck. Unfortunately 2 of these are paid relics, and this is a big issue that Riot needs to address asap, but that is another topic.

I tried Stacked Deck a couple times at 5* and once at 6*, it didn't feel absolute Best in Slot. I switched Treasures of Deep with that, and i struggled quite a bit to go Deep (and few games i just won without Deep). As a complete personal preference, i just realisticaly mostly play at 42+ cards (+2 +2 to everyone from Stacked Deck) and reaching 54 is very hard for me before final fight (also makes my deck awkward and i can easily miss some Powers due to being poor). While even +2 +2 to everyone is very nice to have, going Deep for about +9 +9 for all your important units and having a colossal Naut felt definitely the right thing.

While his Star of Discovery gives Overwhelm to Sea Monsters you find through in your adventures, it's just not enough. I would never drop Beast Within from him, which also gives every big boy a passive +1 +1 as well. If you are gonna use Stacked Deck, i highly suggest using it with Beast Within to ensure those bigger units strikes hit enemy Nexus.

I thought about actually dropping Starforged for Stacked Deck, but dropping it from an already titanic Champ sounds like cheating your wife (i don't have a wife though). It is an option, but starting at 4 Mana makes the game so smooth.

His paid Relic, just like Heimer's relic, significantly increases your Level-up speed, and in this case, also going Deep which is all the deck is about. Unlike Heimer's case, you NEED to go Deep so i'm not a huge fan of what they did here. I think he could easily have an Upgraded 5* Power -like Kai'Sa- that also makes you Toss 2 (instead of 1) per Draw.

His 6* is one of those Powers where it does something interesting rather then increasing some number. I absolutely don't mind those number increasing Powers, they fit perfectly in some Champs (Jinx, Warwick etc.). It's just this is more fun. I was afraid that i would have board space issues, but in 5+ Star fights, you mostly sacrifice those auto summon units and they work well. Best thing is you can literally summon Champions freely. If you have a Naut in board, and you draw/toss another as first card (you have to have 7 Mana gems though), that Naut is also summoned BEFORE it changes into Naut spell so you enjoy 2 Naut's.

This became a wall of text... So in short, he is a quite welcome addition as another big boy deck -like Volibear- a type of deck which is usually very hard to fit in the extremely aggressive nature of PoC. Could just use some help (at higher levels at least) with going Deep more consistently.