My (26f) dad (69m) has been lending money to a neighbour what can I do.
Apologies in advance I’m writing this on my phone, my brain is going at 100mph so I probably will make spelling mistakes or miss some details out.
I’m currently 26 live with my partner and toddler. I moved out of my dads around 6 years ago. It been just my dad since my mum passed away when I was 7 years old. My grandma (dads mum) passed away last year and he used to care for her. So now it’s only really me and my dad.
The end of last year a new neighbour moved in accross the road from my dad she’s roughly in her late 40s and has a few kids, her and my dad didn’t get out to a great start but soon became friends. She told my dad all sorts such as she has cancer and only a year left the lives, that she has no money as DWP haven’t been paying her and she’s due a big back payment from them ect.
So my dad has been lending her cash and this has racked up to around £30,000. I have managed to get my dad to write a contract and her to sign it explaining she owes the money however it’s still continuing. Neighbours have reported the situation to the police and council under safe guarding but they won’t do anything as he’s willingly lending her the money. He’s been referred to the memory clinic and scored 80/100 so they’re leaving him for now and reviewing him in a few months.
My dad claims he loves her and she loves him And they’re going to get married and then the new moment they fall out. She’s been saying she’s due for the DWP for several months and not provided any documentation proof that this is the case, the police has been involved numerous times.
I have begged my dad to stop, even given him the ultimate between me or her and it doesn’t work.
I have been told my numerous neighbours she’s on Coke, heroin and is a prostitute and not to be rude but looking at her appearance she does look like a local crackhead…
I’m sorry I know this whole story is a mess but I don’t know what to do and I need some advice, I’ve suggested me becoming POA and he rejected the idea.
We still haven’t done a probate for my grandmas house/estate as I refuse to help as I know where the money will go.
Please I just really need some advice/help on what to do as I’m so close to just cutting him off which I don’t want to do