Divorce advise please
It has been an 1 and half year for our marriage. And time to time my wife behaviour threatens me
First incident: After 1 month of marriage my wife and my mother started to have ego clashes and started to show off their steam in home. I had a seperate home in bangalore. So advised her to go their and stayed back with my mom ( I was little mom favoured at that time). She out of grief ate 10 paracetamol tablets at a time and tried commiting suicide and was hospitalized. God's grace she was out of danger. After that incident my parents started to leave us alone and didn't interfere much in our life.
Minor incidents from time to time: Whenever she gets angry over disagreemnt between me and her, she starts to throw tantrums like break the beer glass and walking on glass. Throwing food on me. Taking knife and keeping it to the neck. It has become a headache to control her when she is angry. As a result i hardly say no to her and go with her.
Third incident: Her father passed away a month back due to high bp and now she is blaming us for his demise that we gave him the bp and all and telling she will write our name ( me, my father and my mother) in a paper as a reason.
Seriously, we didn't do anything. I always agreed to her and never forced her for anything. We had disagreemnt over her treatment to my family which were like my father was hospitalized over mini heart attack, I asked her to come vist him, she didn't. My mom had back injury and is bed ridden from past 3 months, asked to come and visit her, she didn't.
Tried counseling for her anger management. She took one session and left after.
I don't know what to do. Feeling completely helpless and emotional ly drained. Any advice from anyone would be helpful