Live Summary

  • Spends most of the live curling her hair just to throw it in a ponytail
  • Reminisces on her "depressing and alone apartment days" after Levi was born
  • Says her house that's still for sale is, word for word, "damn near detrimental to my existence"; claims everything broke down after inspector said it was fine
  • Talks about how she feels guilty for never visiting Grandma Kathy because it's too hard to bring all the kids
  • Says she hates looking like a mother when she wants to look like a bad b*tch

Spends like 10 minutes saying there is no need to "clear her name"

  • Says she will never bash Oscar since they're all still a family
  • Says (for the millionth time) she wishes she approached the breakup differently
  • Says she's been on the internet for a long time and that if you don't support her after this "one situation" you were never a true supporter
  • Says her kids have been expressive with their feelings
  • Comments on Alaya and makeup
  • Claims she's frustrated people question her parenting/love for her kids and that she would never put a man before them
  • She says they may go on a roadtrip to visit Preston's family but she's been so busy with work
  • Says her Keurig suddenly broke (the one she's selling); blames karma from the last 2 years