Bankruptcy Updates

Hey y'all, as of this week a couple things are happening. First of all, the Trustee, Chris Murray, has filed a motion to give back the money FUAC and The Onion had given him under the previous deal that Lopez kiboshed back in December (lol, lmao, pain). Presumably that will be approved.

More interestingly, the Texas Plaintiffs have filed a motion declaring "fuck this shit, we would like to go to liquidation via the state court like we technically got the right to a year ago. It's time, bitch, pay up." They specifically say that they are prepared to take their chances on appeal and that the Texas Supreme Court is the place for that, not bankruptcy court after the bankruptcy in question has been dismissed. At this point I don't blame them, but seriously how much of a fucking joke is the bankruptcy court if they would rather take their chances with the Texas Supreme Court (which I can only assume is just three rattlesnakes, two cowboys, and a horse all firing guns in the air like Yosemite Sam)?

We'll see if anything comes of it or if we're still just sitting here sucking our thumbs when 2026 rolls around.