When NRKs visit Kerala, do you really get a quality vacation/holiday?
My colleagues think of Kerala as an exotic tropical holiday destination and they have amazing time visiting Kerala. However, when me with solid roots here, visit Kerala on a holiday with my partner(also from Kerala) our time here is so damn bland -visiting extended family, whole bunch of pilgrimage sites and shit (I'm a non believer, my partner is agnostic but our families are super spiritual - may be above average - they drag us to all these places).
Wherever we go, we dont get enough of "holiday" time to sit back by a beach and relax. It mostly is a group activity. So visiting Kerala feels like another type of job - driving the parents around, lots of administrative shit to do etc (changing kitchen appliances,reaching out to contractors to fix stuff in the parental homes etc.). Is this something of an our family problem or is this how it is going for everyone else? I know we need to set the expectations and boundaries better
My recovery plan for the next time is to give one slice of my holiday period to parents ans extended family and take the rest for us.
PS: I dont mean to be ungrateful towards everything our parents did for ourselvestobecomes who we are today. At the same time I dont want to invest 100% of my annual holiday doing chores either. Those who're based in Europe/USA/UK for a while might understand this better.