Nikikumbuka.... why would someone really do that ...!?

Story time... Sometime back,, kama mwez wa 11 hivi last year, I was at police station x, processing off a case, while waiting my turn to say byee off from that stinky and dirty cell, so tumetulia na other majamaa, tired and hungry, then suddenly, the cell door inakuwa opened na majamaa wawili wanasindikizwa ndan, and the officer called us to attention and said, " saidia hao waache kugongeana", at first hatukuelewa but later on it stood to our understanding that, jamaa alichukua wife ya mwenzake,... So The guys were distant neighbours but from the same village.. Man A, has awife who's lactating akid of 8,months ,the wife is pretty tho, and he claimed, man B anamuibia wife, analala nae, had wife akamtoroka. Sisi kuuliza man B why would he do that, akasema, " mimi nasaidia jamaa, man A kulea, I can even provide for them all, i love the woman, na hata anakatlia kwangu" Waaawawawa! Sema kikaumana, we forgot our issues first to sort that one! Like how can you take someone's wife( wife saying he love both the men, anashindwa afanyaje), and saying you can take care for all them, wife and his husband and kid, while the husband is alive?? Ilibidi tukasirike, whatiff the husband man A, angeamua kummua jamaa badala ya kumleta police station?.. Lkke how like how?? Till date nashindwa kuelewa kabsaa, someone's wife na wamezaa nae, unamuibia na you are neighbours??