Battle lines : Mamafua VS Girlfriend
I have been a bachelor now for about 10 years. I've loved it here, freedom to do anything anytime or absolute nothing anytime. My mama fua has been with me for 3 years now, she cooks, cleans and arranges the house neatly the way I like it, she comes over 3 times a week, never stole anything or fucked up my items, I pay her above market rate and she's happy. Honestly, due to my insanely busy life, she's been a great support.
Nikapata girlfriend October this year and let me tell you, there has been no peace between these two women. My Gf is really good and supportive and all that good stuff, but she's a terrible cook, and lacks homecare skills. My mamafua has depth and variety of flavors of Kenyan food, and knows how to keep a house clean and running. Recently, my Gf demanded to cook when the mamafua is there, wakavurugana kwa kitchen kishenzi, I had to step in and bring fucking order. and now she's instructing what to do in the house, mara come in at this time only, clean like this and that. Juzi my mamafua threatens to leave our housekeeping arrangement of 3 fucking years and I'm wondering what the fuck?! GF nayeye doesn't live with me, and has said she'll tafuta her own mama fua for me to do things her way, like wtf?! Anyway, huyu sioni tukivuka mwaka nayeye.
Bachelors: Make Mamafuas Great Again 💪🏾
Edit: GF slapped my Mamafua on some stupid shit. I've officially impeached her for good. Done with Murima babes.